Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jessica's Thoughts on Week 3

"Be strong and courageous, 
do not be terrified, 
do not be discouraged, 
for the Lord your God is 
with you where ever you go." 
Joshua 1:9

Hey all!  This is Jessica, a first year counselor at Cross Bar X!  We are in the middle of our third falcon camp, with kids primarily from Denver.  I am counselling 4 girls, ages 10 and 11, and I love them all so much!  One of them gets to celebrate her 12th birthday during camp, which we are all super excited about!!  You can definately be praying for us this week, and that God really opens these girls' eyes and speaks to their hearts.  They have been very open with me, sharing things about their lives that no 10 or 11 year old should ever have to go through.  Because of their hard backgrounds, they are having a difficult time trusting God and believing He really takes care of them.  Please be praying that this week they can learn and understand His love for them, as well as know their true identity in Christ.

You can also be praying for me to stay focused on Jesus!  It's easy to go throughout the day talking to these kids about Christ, but then completely missing out on talking TO Him.  I want with all my heart for God to be the CENTER and reason for my life, and I don't want to give in to distractions.  Strength and wisdom from God alone is a huge prayer request, as well as remembering my security in Christ.  I've been learning a lot about putting God first, and being a servant rather than being served.  I'm really excited for every day of this summer and completely appreciate your prayers and support!!!

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