Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Maddie's Cabin

This post was written by Counselor Maddie about her cabin last week....

I had no idea what God had in store for me when I was first introduced to my campers Monday night-little did I know I would be blessed enough to watch God transform three little girls lives. On the first day of camp we talked about sin in all three cabin times and each time 3 out of my 4 girls thought they hardly ever sinned and had no need for a savior. I was desperately in prayer and discouraged by what my small mind thought the week might hold. After the lesson time on Monday, I had one on one time with one of my campers and she asked if she could ask Jesus to forgive her sins and come into her heart! I couldn’t believe my ears I was so stinking excited! She prayed an amazingly heartfelt prayer and immediately after asked if we could get to catching turtles. I could only pray and hope that her heart was truly changed, God was so amazing and gracious and revealed to me later how amazing and truthful decision she had truly made. 

The same little girl asked to pray for our night cabin time. To my astonishment she prayed for the other girl’s hearts in the room and that they would let Jesus into their hearts so he could make them white as snow like he had made hers earlier that day! I was overjoyed and thought that the night could not get any more amazing when I opened my tear filled eyes to another one of my campers arms raised in the air. She asked if she could ask Jesus to forgive her sins so she could be a child of God also! I was in awe of Gods amazing power at this point and could barely talk, but was so privileged to listen to an amazing prayer of a little Girl asking her Father to come into her heart. I spent the remainder of the night tackling counselors and showering people with excitement! Two of my girls who earlier could hardly recognize the sin in their lives had now become children of God by nightfall! God is amazing-but the story doesn’t end there. I had one last of my campers who questioned if God was real because her friends believe he isn’t. She thought it was unfair that sin is equal in Gods eyes because she doesn’t sin THAT much. 

Well, that night after I had read a story and just said "Amen," finishing our good night prayer, I heard a quiet voice coming from that same hardened little girl say "teacher, could I say something to God really quick?" well you can’t say no to something like that so I said of course and she then repeated this sweet incredibly unexpected prayer from her lips "Hey Jesus, I’m sorry for all the sins I’ve committed and I don’t want a black heart anymore, please come in and let me be a child of God. Amen." 

God is so good!! He is beyond good, and I should know that nothing is impossible with our God! I am so incredibly thankful to have been able to witness such an amazing heart change in my girls! It’s Thursday and all they have spend the entire day talking about is how they are now children of God! AMEN

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